
Family Conflict Resolution



We provide the structure, psychology and experience

to resolve conflicts in your family effectively


Ask people what is most important in their lives, and almost everyone will reply ‘their families’.

Their mums, dads, husbands, wives, children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, extended family…

When conflicts escalate, we rob ourselves, and each other, of this richness in our lives.

Family conflicts often last for years, decades, even an entire lifetime.

And we never get these years back.

Avoiding the problem is not the solution, and, instead perpetuates and deepens the problem.

Behind many conflicts are dynamics and complexities that really require the psychological and mediation skills of a trained third person, in order to get to the root of the issue and resolve effectively.

Common dynamics we assist in resolving include:

  • misunderstanding
  • blame
  • lack of quality communication
  • different family values
  • disrespect
  • anger
  • resentment
  • infidelity
  • different communication styles
  • different vehicles for meeting one’s needs
  • different family culture
  • different parenting styles
  • conflicts that have gone unresolved for many years
  • separation of extended family, grandchildren and grandparents, children and parents

Family Coaching provides family members with the structure necessary to resolve the conflict.

We provide the psychological knowledge to get to the root of the issue, and provide your family members with the tools and coaching needed to resolve conflict in a healthy way, bringing peace and harmony back to your everyday lives.

Don’t let fear, discomfort, pride, ego, stubbornness, or resentment rob you of the gift that only family can provide.

Our coaches are highly trained in different coaching methodologies and psychologies, and head coach Travis Simlinger is a certified Strategic Intervention Master Coach.

Strategic Intervention Coaching is a system that combines the most effective forms of various disciplines:
– Strategic Family Therapy
– Human Needs Psychology
– Organizational Psychology
– Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
– Neurolinguistics
– Jungian Theory
– Psychology of Influence
– Strategic Studies
– Diplomacy and Negotiation
and many more.

The term “Strategic Intervention” was created by Anthony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, and Mark Peysha to describe the effect of rapid and lasting change.

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Client Feedback

27 reviews on
22. March, 2024
Many thanks to Travis for this highly interesting and useful training on mental health, which is such an important subject to speak about and be trained on.
Iryna Shtoyko
Iryna Shtoyko
22. March, 2024
It was a huge experience and learning. The practices we learned are beneficial for recognizing mental issues of your own and people around you. And more important, the technics of mental health first aid.
safoura bazrafshan
safoura bazrafshan
19. March, 2024
This training has proven to be incredibly valuable, and I am grateful for the oppurtunity partake in it. I am confident that it holds immense worth for individuals, potentially even safeguarding lives and enhancing overall quality of life. Many thanks to Travis for making this possible.
Mével Vincent
Mével Vincent
19. March, 2024
Travis is a trainer with an excellent approach to sensitive subjects. It was a very interesting training and perfectly leaded along the two days of training.
18. March, 2024
We did the ensa mental health first aider training for managers with Travis and it was an end-to-end great experience! From the initial contact, to organizing logistics, to the actual workshop itself in our office. Travis did an amazing job bringing the concepts to live and filling them up with practical examples. He created an open and trustworthy atmosphere in the room and I'm confident that our teams will benefit immensely from this course. Thanks again!
Maria Cammisa
Maria Cammisa
18. March, 2024
I really only can recommend this Coaching. Not only do you extend your knowledge about mental health and mental illness, but also you get to know skills of communication on how to help others or yourself in need. I feel like this coaching is important for every single person, and company. And Travis is such an inspiring person, you only will learn and grow from. DO IT! 🙂
Elizabeth Abelho
Elizabeth Abelho
20. February, 2024
Travis presented this Mental Health training in a lively manner, and brought enthusiasm to the sessions. I personally got a lot from the training.
Florian Schmidt
Florian Schmidt
14. February, 2024
Travis did a great job in introducing us into this difficult topic.
Laure Dangla
Laure Dangla
13. February, 2024
Highly recommended, the course was amazing!
