
The roots of the Progressive Coaching were founded in Zurich, Switzerland by Travis Simlinger.
This is his story:


I was 24 years old, and on paper, life was good.
I had always been hungry for success, and extremely driven.
I had started from nothing, and amassed a property portfolio worth millions of dollars. I had a job on one of Australia’s most beautiful islands which included 2 weeks holiday every 2 weeks, and was in a long-term relationship.
I was, by societal standards, a success.
And I wanted everyone to know it.

But inside, where life is really experienced, I was not at peace. Far from it, in fact.
I chased money and significance, to subconsciously mask my massive insecurities.
I neglected the parts of my life that really mattered.
I was climbing a long ladder, but it was leaning against the wrong wall.

That same year, my life came crashing down.
In hindsight, it was not surprising.
I had built it not on a foundation of values, and authenticity, and love…but on a foundation of sand.

I fractured my skull in a skateboarding accident, my long-term girlfriend left me, and the property market had a massive downturn. All my equity in my portfolio suddenly became debt, and I couldn’t work because of my head injury. I pushed good people away. I became depressed, anxious and completely stressed out. I was learning to become helpless. A victim of myself.

And it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

(never ending)

When the pain of staying the same, becomes greater than the pain of changing, that’s when you rebuild your life. And that’s what I did. I peeled myself from the rocky sea-bed, and threw myself maniacally into study of the life and behavioural sciences, and all facets of modern applied psychology. I instantly knew this was my calling—I was completely and utterly hooked (and still am) on learning everything I could about running our minds optimally and therefore directing our lives.

I built upon the knowledge I was absorbing. I took a holistic approach and created my own strategies. I refined it. I proved it. For the first time in my life, I became a person whose goals, and purpose, and values and vision were completely aligned—and it’s hard to put into words the difference this makes in one’s quality of life.

This led me to start coaching others on the same methods I had used to take control of my own life.
And Progressive Coaching was born.
And, as they say, the rest is history.


I can think of no greater fulfilment, than the fact that I get to spend my days helping people create momentum, and drive, and strategies which completely transform the quality of their lives, just as I was able to do in my own life.

Today, I live 9 months per year in mesmerizingly beautiful Switzerland, and 3 months per year on the sunny paradise beaches of Australia.
I am married to the girl of my dreams, Claudia, and we have the greatest sons in the world, Lio and Darian!

I am the founder and owner of a number of companies, and, I enjoy the simple things in life: spending time with my wife and sons, snowboarding, surfing, motorcycles, and good food, family, and friends!