
Life Balance Wheel

Product Information

What is included:

  1. Magnetised paper version of the “Progressive Coaching Life-balance Wheel” © 2024, 30cm x 30cm.
  2. 12 magnets — the exact same magnets shown in the pictures below.
  3. Double sided tape to attach to wall.
  4. Instruction sheet
  5. Posted to your address in sealed cylinder to maintain quality of product.

“Work/life balance” is propoganda! It is insulting!

It ignores the complexities of life, and implies that life can be reducued to one part of two, with one of those parts being “work”!

Travis Simlinger
CEO Progressive Coaching


Life balance is paying attention to, and taking actions, in all the different areas of our life, in a way which serves us and improves our quality of life.

Life balance is necessary for maintaining, and optimising our well-being:

How so:

  • Each area of our life affects other areas of our life. When one area of our life gets out of balance, it negatively affects many other areas of our life, and this greatly impacts our well-being.
  • Behind many ‘larger problems’, e.g.: relationship problems, mental and physical health problems, financial problems, is a failure to proactively keep life in balance.
  • With an extremely small investment of time (less than 2 mins) we can measure our current life balance every week, and then take action to maintain a self-serving level of life balance.