
Why Life Coaching is Used by the Ultra-Successful—and What Can a Coach do for me?

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Why does the fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt, use a coach?

Why do Olympians use coaches?

And tennis players?
And football teams?And singers and actors and top CEO’s?It does not matter the activity—the answer is the same:

Coaching is an incredible tool which optimises the performance of the coachee, enabling the coachee to achieve levels of performance to a degree that would not have been possible if left to his/her own endeavours.

What athletes have long understood, is now being used by people from all sectors of society who want to experience life operating at their maximum potential—emotionally, mentally, physically, in their relationships and communications…in all key areas of their life.


What specifically does a coach do?

A well-trained coach knows how to draw out the enormous untapped potential that is within the client.
It is very different to traditional therapy.

Therapy often focuses on the past, often for years…sometimes even decades!
Coaching focuses on the present, and the future, and how to close the gap between today’s reality and tomorrow’s desires. Because of coaching’s focus on practical application, clients usually see significant change in as little as 4 or 5 sessions.

A skilful coach utilises an array of applied psychology, and is not regimented to choose one realm or another. For example, in my practice, we utilise Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Milton Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Traditional Counselling techniques, and Life-Coaching Strategic Intervention taught by Tony Robbins, and take a holistic approach.

A coach is not fixing a person—no person is broken—it’s simply that most people are unaware of the optimum methods available to manage our minds, thoughts and actions. It is our thoughts that produce our emotions, which direct our actions, which produce our outcomes in life. ‘Thinking cleanly’ is the most important thing we can ever do to create our desired results, and this is what an excellent coach will help you with. And this is done in a very practical way. Not only will you learn new skills, you will be encouraged to apply them straight away.

Along with optimising one’s thought processes, an excellent coach will typically help a client to identify their vision—to become intimately aware of their life purpose and what they want to do with their life. And importantly—Why? What is the purpose behind the purpose? What is the feeling behind the material item or achievement that the client desires? Is this the only way to achieve it, or are there options that haven’t been considered? Clarity like this ensures the client is not climbing a long ladder, only to find out at the top it had been leaning against the wrong wall.

Once the client is certain of his/her desired outcome, then the client and coach get practical: Are their daily actions bringing them closer to or further away from their desired outcomes? Are all parts of their life running like a well-oiled machine to bring happiness, and fulfilment to themselves and those they care about? If not, why? And what can be done about it? The coach will work with the client to identify anything that is blocking them from achieving what they desire, and efficiently and effectively remove this internal or external block. And then the coach will work with the client to design a blueprint of clear strategies to get them from where they are now, to where they want to be.

Coaching is one of the most individually tailored practices in talent development as it involves a close and confidential relationship between the coach and the person being coached. For example, one client may want to be pushed and held accountable for their actions (or lack of action) and another client may just want a trusted sound board who is not ‘in the game’ to strategise with, and who can see things from an entirely different angle. What I have attempted to do in this article is give you some key elements that I work with daily in my coaching practice, to hopefully shed some light on possibilities.

Peace 🙂

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